Carding Batts

I've been having a great time over the past few weeks carding batts on my Fancy Kitty Kitten drum carder. I suppose you could consider these to be "kitchen sink" batts, because I am throwing in a bit of many different types of fibers. I've been using a variety of handpainted and natural colors of wool and silk fibers that I have in my stash. And to liven up the batts I have been adding a hint of sparkle with some angelina fibers. My goal is to make batts that create a heathered yarn, and after two or three passes through the carder the colors are well-blended, but not so much so that you can't discern the original colors upon careful inspection. The spun singles are beautifully heathered, and I can't wait to ply them up and start knitting.


Finishing Projects


New Year, New Studio